名: へり、末端、フリンジ(英国での一人漫談)、
形: 二次的な、付随的な、非主流派の
take maternity leave.
take paternity leave.
take time off from (noun)
take time off to (verb)
I need take time off to tend to personal matters.
What do you do?
What time do you start work?
When do you get off?
What time do you finish?
What are the hours like? – 労働時間はどれくらい?
∟Do you know what the store’s hour are?
Do you work part-time or full-time?
What are your days off? – いつ休み?
What tie do you usually get home?
How long does it take you to get to company?
How did you get interested in your work?
How long have you been with your company?
How do you like your job?
What’s your ideal jog?
What’s your commute like? – 通勤手段はどれ位ですか?
I have to do overtime.
I work on commission.
Why don’t you call in sick?
I’m taking a week off.